Bait and Switch: Fiction Fix Offers Nonfiction Issue

June 27, 2011 § 1 Comment

Fiction Fix has released its 9th issue online focusing on the art of creative nonfiction.

“Creative nonfiction is about truth,” says guest editor, Mark Ari. “Sure, all art is about that, but the writer of creative nonfiction takes a peculiar stand.  She makes a promise. This is
real, she says. She puts aside façade and speaks directly to her reader from the bottom of her
heart by any means necessary. Author and reader suspend disbelief in one another in a joined play of the mind. It is intimate. Often brave. And while it is factual, it is never, ever, just the facts. That just wouldn’t be real.”

In “Leaving and Letting Go,” Geri Lipschulz, dissects the mystery of memory, while searching for closure in the kidnapping and murder of a childhood acquaintance. In “No Means No,” by Chris McCann, an estranged father and son attempt a friendship that seems, at times, tragic and doomed, and at other times comical and warm.  There are twelve nonfiction pieces in total.


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§ One Response to Bait and Switch: Fiction Fix Offers Nonfiction Issue

  • Elizabeth Hilts says:

    Love this: “And while it is factual, it is never, ever, just the facts. That just wouldn’t be real.”

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