Fish Flash

February 26, 2013 § 2 Comments

fishWe are all about flash nonfiction here at Brevity, but our pals at SmokeLong Quarterly like it short and fictionalized, and they’re offering a $500 Kathy Fish Fellowship. Here’s what you need to do:

Go to SmokeLong‘s Submittable Portal.

1. Answer the question: “What about flash fiction appeals to you, and what do you hope to accomplish with your writing if you are chosen as the fellow? ” in less than 300 words.

2. Four samples of your flash fiction (stories of 1000 words or less). Please include word count after the title of each story. These samples may be unpublished or previously published in venues other than SmokeLong. The writing samples should, as a whole, best reflect your ability, style(s), etc. Show us who you are as a writer through these samples.

There is no application fee. Application deadline is March 31, 2013.

The submission portal doesn’t open until March 1st, but details are here.



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