A Call for Essays on the Essay

December 27, 2015 § 2 Comments


The Dirigible as Essay

From Ethan Madore, a co-editor of The Essay Review:

Criticism should have an eye on the future as well as the past, and in addition to the consideration of contemporary essayists, The Essay Review is looking for work that ekes out new historical territory for the essay and makes new claims for the essay’s growing canon. In our view, the boundaries between fiction and nonfiction, poetry and prose are in constant flux, and we look to publish criticism that challenges and reshapes these boundaries, which traces not just the development of the essay as a genre, but the proliferation of essayism across genres, from essayistic novels to video essays and the essayistic spirit in visual art and music.

This year we are launching a new and improved website with the goal of making the Essay Review more accessible, shareable, and accommodating of multimedia works. We welcome submissions of original pieces of criticism on the history, development, and future of the essay; essays on essaying; reflections from instructors of nonfiction; and anything other work that fits a broad definition of nonfiction criticism in any length and form.

Deadline: February 19th, 2016

Submission Guidelines can be found here.

§ 2 Responses to A Call for Essays on the Essay

  • What a mind opening into the light in which I’ve search for through-out many years. Sitting in a classroom at the age of five feeling scared and lonely, wanting my mother, as a white women starred at me with such anger in her face it made me cry. I just didn’t want to stay there and from day one school was crushed in my minds eye as a unfriendly and non-safe place. Our family moved into one of Los Angeles’s Ca, west side, segregated neighborhoods that didn’t want any non-white person’s as a neighbor. My grandmother had purchased a house from a Jewish man, who the neighbors also hated, for the price of five hundred dollars. He related to my grandmother that there were other Jewish people which he called sell outs because they were passing for white and denying their heritages. He was leaving for his homeland of Israel and wanted to be buried among his people. We were not wanted and it was very clear the folks living were going to do anything they could to get us out. The fight was on to survive and we did but my schooling and learning scope was the cost throughout much of my adult life.
    I have verbally told my entire stories over and over again but never, ever written more than news paper articles and short documents about my past. With my assistance five of my closest friends have become self published authors but my books remain in my head without any public knowledge until now. Thank you so much for allowing me to read your Essays information papers that has unlocked a door allowing a move foreword toward publishing.

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